Claire is passionate about empowering and uplifting individuals and teams in the workplace,
As a Flow Specialist, her key area of interest is unlocking potential by leveraging natural strengths and talents, managing weaknesses, while integrating emotional management and mental well-being as barometers to success.
Her clients are from all over the world and from different industry sectors.
Her purpose is to raise ‘wellness awareness’ in the corporate environment and help business owners and entrepreneurs understand ‘best performance levels’ individually and how that correlates to working as a team. With a training and background in depth-psychology and Group Dynamics, her style is aimed at enlightening, liberating, uplifting, empowering and transforming lives, both personally and professionally.
Claire has a Masters in Critical Research Psychology. She is also a trained Group Facilitator and 1:1 Coach. Claire has been Jungian Scholar for over 20 years and a yoga instructor for 8 years. She has a passion for adventure, animals nature and the great outdoors.
"IF YOU’RE A CONFORMIST,THIS ISN’T FOR YOU!!! If you’re one of my dear faulty disruptive friends, hello china! 👊👍I’ll save you some time .... "if you’re the “bounce the ball inside "type of person. The “ask why ”more than is considered an acceptable type of person.
The “count on your fingers as a CA ”type of person. The “calm down it’s just a board game ”type of person. The let’s have one more and stay” type of person. The “has wild tendencies” type of person. The “race through the toll gates against random cars ”type of person. If that’s you...I recommend the Maverick Assessment (MA)!
13 yrs ago the Maverick Assessment (MA) changed my life, which is why I've invested in it. It’s subsequently changed many many of my friends, colleagues and employees lives too. It’s helped me with everything from growing my businesses to helping my 11yr old daughter to understand the frustration that regimental learning brings for more unstructured colourful type of learner.
It helped me validate what she was feeling. Basically she was telling herself the same shit I told myself the first 27 yrs of my life. That I’m not good enough at...(everything). I’m so lucky I could explain this to her. Her eyes lit up, she was all enthusiastic, all because I could 💯 identify with what she was feeling. That moment alone was worth the world.
The un-f@ck-with-able spirit of the Maverick Accelerator will save you from a wasted life!
It’s not the next day, or the day thereafter, or even in the weeks to come’s months later when you feel all fulfilled and you’re offering huge value, that’s when you’ll notice that your life has changed.
No words can describe how grateful I am for this showing me my (deeply) hidden potential while giving me a better understanding of people. People. Wonderfully complex people. Like why I just don’t gel with some.
I now get to build my own businesses, help others to build theirs and have loads of fun (and stress) doing it. The MA helped me find a tiny piece of my Maverick spirit and it’s terrifyingly awesome!
Good luck!
In a world that suppresses uniqueness and individuality, it is difficult to find the ‘special’ in ourselves, and allow it to permeate our everyday life. In fact the terms, “you are special and gifted and unique” can sound somewhat cliché and bit rehearsed.
The fact is; the way your particular brain chemistry is wired and the distinct life and upbringing you’ve experienced, provide you with a set of psychological tools unlike anyone else. This is your specific and very particular personal brand. Identifying it, and with it, opens a world of possibility.
I've always been fascinated with patterns; with examining a disparate number of objects or things, and seeing the pattern that emerges and links them to each other in different ways. When one seeks to understand human motivation and behavior, one begins to sense the patterns that link us to each other and to our experience of being human.
Carl Jung, and the many learned individuals whose work grew from his ideas, sensed these same traits that show themselves to be prevalent. Our work flows from this historical basis.
The Maverick Assessment is a tool adept at identifying distinct patterns of individual uniqueness, in a very practical and direct manner. It helps you to live your relationships and work, smarter and easier whilst making life feel more fulfilling.
Callum’s interest has always be geared toward the world of cyber space, whether it be stringing a line of creative code, or mapping out the gameplay of an onscreen character.
His BCIS in Game Design and Development, and subsequent BCIS Honours, enabled him to pursue a career in Gaming and Web Development. He specialises in designing and developing software systems; more recently, coding game mechanics as well as game systems and tools for game designers.
Callum utilised progressive software and tools to design the system that drives the Maverick Assessment questionnaire, informational database and interpretive reports.
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